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Foundation (Yellow), Intermediate (Green), Advanced (Blue), Modeller (Grey)

Lookups: INDEX Part 3


INDEX is my #1 function. This video demonstrates its power and versatility in structured modelling and is an example of what's taught in my Modeller course.

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Data Analysis: Goal Seek


Goal Seek calculates what the value of an input assumption must be to achieve a defined result e.g. the annual growth % to achieve £1m sales in Year 5. It's a real timesaver!

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Lookups: INDEX Part 3


INDEX is my #1 function. This video demonstrates its power and versatility in structured modelling and is an example of what's taught in my Modeller course.

Data Analysis: Goal Seek


Goal Seek calculates what the value of an input assumption must be to achieve a defined result e.g. the annual growth % to achieve £1m sales in Year 5. It's a real timesaver!

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Math: SUM & Punchthrough


SUM is Excel's most used function, allowing us to add multiple cells. You probably already use it. But have you heard of a 'punchthrough'? We start with the basics of SUM and then move on to a clever technique...

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SUMIFS is in my Top 5 functions. It's used to summarise data. In particular, in time-based modelling, I use it to summarise monthly data, annually.

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Math: SUM & Punchthrough


SUM is Excel's most used function, allowing us to add multiple cells. You probably already use it. But have you heard of a 'punchthrough'? We start with the basics of SUM and then move on to a clever technique...



SUMIFS is in my Top 5 functions. It's used to summarise data. In particular, in time-based modelling, I use it to summarise monthly data, annually.

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SUMPRODUCT is probably Excel's most powerful function - there's a lot it can do and handle. But use with caution, as it can become complex and slow calculations.

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Data Analysis: Data Tables


Data Tables are generally used in Sensitivity Analysis - where we test different values for an unknown variable, comparing the results for Management. This video involves advanced techniques.

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SUMPRODUCT is probably Excel's most powerful function - there's a lot it can do and handle. But use with caution, as it can become complex and slow calculations.

Data Analysis: Data Tables


Data Tables are generally used in Sensitivity Analysis - where we test different values for an unknown variable, comparing the results for Management. This video involves advanced techniques.

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